Hypnobirthing Meditations: Relaxation And Mindfulness Techniques For Expectant Mothers To Experience A Natural And Positive Childbirth , livre audio






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Are you an expecting mother? Are you anxiously awaiting the arrival of your new baby, excited to meet them and hold them in your arms? If you are like so many first-time mothers (and even mothers who have gone through this process once or twice) you have looked over every book on the subject, trying to help you get prepared.
You have the nursery ready. You have all the clothes and you have all the baby items you think you need (don’t worry, you’ll forget about something, but it won’t matter when that baby is in your arms). And you are counting down the days until you get to expand your family and your heart.
But there is one thing that is making you anxious. You push it to the back of your mind, but as the day approaches ever nearer, you know that it is something you will need to face. And that is labor.
Dealing with labor is a scary prospect. Many women boast about having natural births, but you may worry that this will be too hard or too painful for you. The thought of an epidural or other pain medications don’t seem that appealing either. So what are you supposed to do?
Hypnobirthing is the best option for any new mother who wants to be able to enjoy a natural birthing experience, without the pain, and without the scary medications. Medications can take away from the experience that you are going to get during birthing, and they often lead to scary complications.
But going the completely natural method (without the hypnobirthing of course) can be just as scary. Thinking about the pain of labor is not something that women relish, and this is what pushes so many into the medications in the first place.
The process of childbirth is so amazing and it truly is a miracle. When you are ready to learn more about hypnobirthing and want to try out a few of the techniques that go with it, make sure to check out this audiobook to help you get started.
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Date de parution

23 décembre 2022





Poids de l'ouvrage

393 Mo

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