Making Ameriica Great again - the rallying slogan of the narcissitic con man who managed to successfuly con the American People into electing him president.
Certainly, whichever side of the political spectrum you're on, it's clear that Trumps statements and actions , rather than "making America great", have divided it.
And more to the point - isn't it obvious that "great" is an empty adjective? Ready to be filled with any "meaning" thart suits those who use it?
The Donald, after portraying himself, falsely, as a great businessman who would run America like a business, has, has you well know, run America into the ground.
Gutting environmental protections, starting trade wars, cuddling up to International Right Wing dictators, and ignoring the covid pandemic. Even after he caught the virus. And was, by virture of the best medical care on the planet -cured.
Then there are the dark clouds of scandal, inappropriate and illegal behaviour that have enveloped Trump, and continue, to do so.
In this no holds barred book, Investigative Reporter Carl Woodward dives into the swamp of lies, deceit , illegally and immorality that are the stock in trade of the con man from Queens.