Expert Secrets – Dark Psychology: The Ultimate Guide of Proven Methods for Body Language, Emotional Influence, Manipulation, Mind Control, NLP, Persuasion, Speed Reading, and Defend Narcissistic Abuse , livre audio






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Yes, You Can Secretly Control People Without Appearing Creepy And Manipulative - This Audiobook Will Tell You EXACTLY What To Do!

Do you suspect you're being manipulated and want to regain complete control over your actions?

Do you feel that you're not making the right impression on people - but you can't put a finger on what's wrong?

Do you know that you deserve a better life, but feel that you lack the "people skills" to achieve your goals?

What you need right now is dark psychology. This highly practical science studies manipulation, hypnosis, influence, mind control, and the use of subtle tricks to make people trust and obey you.

In this audiobook, author Maxwell Jensen reveals the darkest secrets of the human mind - and how you can take advantage of them.

This audiobook will help you:

- Establish dominance, build trust, or awaken sexual attraction using NLP and subliminal body language

- Speed read any person in front of you - discover their personality type and their hidden thoughts by simply observing them for a few minutes!

- Become immune to brainwashing, emotional blackmail, and mind control - don't give manipulators a single chance!

- Instantly recognize narcissistic abusers - and defend yourself using psychologist-approved techniques!

- Make use of people's vulnerabilities and weaknesses to advance your career, achieve your relationship goals, build a thriving business, and more!

Even if you think you're "just not good at people", this insightful audiobook will help you master dark psychology in no time!

Scroll up and Dive Into Dark Psychology Right Away!
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Date de parution

06 mars 2021





Poids de l'ouvrage

198 Mo

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