In 1979, the two childhood friends Andre Gaspard and May Ghoussoub founded Dar Al Saqi in London as the first Arabic bookshop in the United Kingdom; in 1983, they started to publish English books.
After the publications of Arabic titles in 1987, Dar Al Saqi was established officially in Beirut in 1991.
It has always contributed to the renaissance Arabic cultures. It strives to build bridges between Arabic and other cultures, and to encourage dialogue and discussion between different cultures and peoples. It is worth mentioning that our authors come from many Arab countries and from many other parts of the world as well, and it is also well known for the high quality of its publications, in terms of content and in terms of print quality and output.
Dar Al-Saqi won numerous international awards, as well as her authors who won prestigious awards in both Arab and foreign countries.
May Ghoussoub died in 2007 and Andre now stills the “owner” Of Dar Al Saqi.