Implementation of Casemix System as Prospective Provider Payment Method in Social Health Insurance: a Case Study of Acheh Provincial Health Insurance
Prof Dr Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Dr Irwan Saputra
Identity Theft and Fraud : Evaluating and Managing Risk
Norm Archer, Yufei Yuan, Junlian Xiang, Susan Sproule, Ken Guo
Statistiques en bref. Industrie, commerce et services nÌŠ 13/2000. Statistiques des fonds de pension
European Commission Eurostat
Statistik kurzgefaßt. Industrie, Handel und Dienstleistungen Nr. 1/2000. Statistik der Versicherungsdienstleistungen
European Commission Eurostat
ESTUDIO EMPÍRICO DE ESTRATEGIAS DE ALIANZAS APLICADAS EN LA INDUSTRIA ASEGURADORA MEXICANA (Empirical study of alliance strategies implemented in the mexican insurance industry)
Exploring means of achieving higher rates of treatment and rehabilitation among alcoholics and drug addicts receiving federal disability benefits : hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security and the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, February 10, 1994
United States. Congress. House. Committee On Ways And Means. Subcommittee On Social Security
Exploring means of achieving higher rates of treatment and rehabilitation among alcoholics and drug addicts receiving federal disability benefits : hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security and the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, February 10, 1994
United States. Congress. House. Committee On Ways And Means. Subcommittee On Social Security
226 pages
The history of life insurance in the United States to 1870 : with an introduction to its development abroad
Charles Kelley Knight
The impact of electronic data processing office workers' skills in France and the Federal Republic of Germany
Eurofound — European Foundation For The Improvement Of Living And Working Conditions
Brief for health insurance, special articles, representative comment, select bibliography
American Association For Labor Legislation. Social Insurance Committee
Military and naval insurance and military and naval compensation claims as a result of the world war
United States. Bureau Of War Risk Insurance
Notes on life insurance, the theory of life insurance practically explained; an elementary treatise on the principles governing life insurance, and their technical application. Designed especially for the use of colleges, students and all persons interested in the subject
Fackler Edward Bathurst 1879-
Notes on life insurance, the theory of life insurance practically explained; an elementary treatise on the principles governing life insurance, and their technical application. Designed especially for the use of colleges, students and all persons interested in the subject
Fackler Edward Bathurst 1879-
216 pages
Inheritance tax calculations; an explanation of the underlying principles, with tables and instructions for ascertaining the present value of dower and curtesy rights, life estates, annuities, vested and contingent remainders, upon the Northampton, Carlisle, American and actuaries' experience tables of mortality at various rates of interest, with a brief analysis of the inheritance tax laws of the various states and territories
Wolfe S. Herbert (Samuel Herbert) B. 1874
Inheritance tax calculations; an explanation of the underlying principles, with tables and instructions for ascertaining the present value of dower and curtesy rights, life estates, annuities, vested and contingent remainders, upon the Northampton, Carlisle, American and actuaries' experience tables of mortality at various rates of interest, with a brief analysis of the inheritance tax laws of the various states and territories
Wolfe S. Herbert (Samuel Herbert) B. 1874
320 pages
The examination of insurance companies; a series of talks to the members of his office staff
Wolfe S. Herbert (Samuel Herbert) B. 1874