Practical Management of Pediatric and Adult Brachial Plexus Palsies E-Book
S Yang, John E. Mcgillicuddy, Lynda J, Kevin C. Chung
Acute cold hypersensitivity characteristically induced by oxaliplatin is caused by the enhanced responsiveness of TRPA1 in mice
Zhao Meng, Isami Kouichi, Nakamura Saki, Shirakawa Hisashi, Nakagawa Takayuki, Kaneko, Kaneko Shuji
MRI characterisation of adult onset alpha-methylacyl-coA racemase deficiency diagnosed by exome sequencing
Haugarvoll Kristoffer, Johansson Stefan, Tzoulis Charalampos, Haukanes, Bredrup Cecilie, Neckelmann Gesche, Boman Helge, Knappskog, Bindoff
Multimodal assessment of painful peripheral neuropathy induced by chronic oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in mice
Renn, Carozzi, Rhee Peter, Gallop Danisha, Dorsey, Cavaletti, Cavaletti Guido
Reduction of voltage gated sodium channel protein in DRG by vector mediated miRNA reduces pain in rats with painful diabetic neuropathy
Chattopadhyay Munmun, Zhou Zhigang, Hao Shuanglin, Mata Marina, Fink
Integrated next-generation sequencing of 16S rDNA and metaproteomics differentiate the healthy urine microbiome from asymptomatic bacteriuria in neuropathic bladder associated with spinal cord injury
Fouts, Pieper Rembert, Szpakowski Sebastian, Pohl Hans, Knoblach Susan, Suh Moo-Jin, Huang Shih-Ting, Ljungberg Inger, Sprague, Torralba Manolito, Groah, Nelson, Lucas
Integrated next-generation sequencing of 16S rDNA and metaproteomics differentiate the healthy urine microbiome from asymptomatic bacteriuria in neuropathic bladder associated with spinal cord injury
Fouts, Pieper Rembert, Szpakowski Sebastian, Pohl Hans, Knoblach Susan, Suh Moo-Jin, Huang Shih-Ting, Ljungberg Inger, Sprague, Torralba Manolito, Groah, Nelson, Lucas
17 pages
HIV-associated sensory neuropathy in HIV-1 infected patients at the Douala General Hospital in Cameroon: a cross-sectional study
Luma Henry, Tchaleu, Doualla Marie, Temfack Elvis, Sopouassi, Mapoure Yacouba, Djientcheu, Djientcheu Vincent-De-Paul