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Bestselling author Lori Copeland (Outlaw's Bride and A Kiss for Cade) weaves together elements of another classic Western romance with themes of redemption, forgiveness, and second chances.Abandoned by his fiancee hours before their wedding, Walker McKay is determined to never let a woman near his heart again, but he needs an heir to inherit his ranch after he is gone. Courting someone new is out of the question, so he'll have to find a wife another way.Wealthy heiress Sara Livingston wants to be married, but her suitors are deemed unsuitable by her unreasonable father. When the opportunity to fill the bill for a mail-order bride comes her way, she grabs onto it with both hands.Will Sara's deception and Walker's wounded heart keep them from finding what they are looking for? Or are they truly meant for one another?Formerly titled Marrying Walker McKay, rewritten for the inspirational market.
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Date de parution

01 juin 2010





Walker’s Wedding

Cover by Left Coast Design, Portland, Oregon
Cover photos © Plush Studios / Bill Reitzel / Blend Images / Getty Images; iStockphoto / lobaaaato; iStockphoto / tsmarkley; Kirk Geisler / Shutterstock; Author photo © The Picture People
Published in association with the Books & Such Literary Agency, 52 Mission Circle, Suite 122, PMB 170, Santa Rosa, CA 95409-5370, www.booksandsuch.biz.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to events or locales, is entirely coincidental.
WALKER’S WEDDING Copyright © 2010 by Copeland, Inc. Published by Harvest House Publishers Eugene, Oregon 97402 www.harvesthousepublishers.com
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Copeland, Lori.
Walker’s wedding / Lori Copeland.
p. cm.—(Western sky series)
ISBN 978-0-7369-2761-1 (pbk.)
1. Marriage—Fiction. I. Copeland, Lori. Marrying Walker McKay. II. Title
PS3553.O6336W35 2010
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 / DP-NI / 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Discussion Questions
About the Author
Other Books by Lori Copeland
Other Good Harvest House Fiction by Lori Wick
About the Publisher

Wyoming Territory, April 1870
S .H., I need a wife about as much as I need a square-dancing bull.” Walker McKay released the steer he’d just branded and shoved his dusty Stetson to the back of his head. What would he do with a wife? He had it made: no interfering woman to tell him what to wear, when to eat, or whom to eat with. His life was his own, and he had no intention of changing it.
A cowboy galloped in, roped a calf, and then dragged it toward the branding fire. Drovers tackled a heifer and held it to the ground while Walker applied the mark of the Spring Grass Ranch: a large S with a lowercase g intertwined in the bottom. They had branded close to two hundred head since dawn; it would be close to five hundred before the work let up.
“Yer as hardheaded as a blind mule,” S.H. complained. Sizemore Horatio Gibson—“S.H.” to friends—released the heifer, and the animal sprang to its feet bawling. Realizing she was free, she trotted off to join the others. The grizzled old man met Walker’s eyes. “How old will you be on yer birthday? Twenty-nine?”
“Yes. Why?” But Walker knew why. S.H. was on him again about an heir, or rather, the lack of one.
“Twenty-eight and nary an heir to carry on the McKay name. It’s a shame. Yer pa would sit up in his grave and spit if he knew how you were avoiding the altar.”
If Walker had a brother or sister, the pressure to marry and have a child would be off him and he would be free to concentrate on running the ranch. He scowled. He probably would have been a father by now if Trudy Richards hadn’t walked out on him. Walker still saw red when he thought of how he’d spent two years convincing himself that he loved that woman enough to marry her. It had taken her less than a day to prove him a fool. He could still smell her rose-scented perfume even as he recalled the egg on his face as a neighbor informed him that Trudy had beat it out of town on horseback, running off with a fellow who sold hats—bowlers, no less; a drifter she’d met two weeks earlier at a town social.
Dust swirled around the milling cattle, who bawled when the ropes found their marks and hauled them in. Overhead, clouds drifted across a clear Wyoming sky. Only the unusually warm spring sun, stinging horseflies, and memories best forgotten marred an otherwise flawless day.
Walker laid the branding iron across a steer’s rump. Disgrace was still a bitter pill to swallow. Never again would he allow a woman to make a fool of him. Not for S.H. or anybody else.
“You can’t let one woman ruin your whole life,” S.H. said, grabbing a steer and riding it to the ground. “You got to pray harder and ask that the good Lord will send the right woman. You got to produce an heir, son. Your pa worked hard for this land—nearly killed himself building Spring Grass. It was work that put yer mama in an early grave. You don’t want to leave the ranch to strangers, do you?”
“I tried it Pa’s way and your way, and it didn’t work. I’m content with my life and I don’t intend to change it—not now, and not any time soon.”
He had plenty of time to worry about marriage and kids. Youngsters were okay, but in Walker McKay’s book, women were good for just two things: cooking and childbearing, and not necessarily in that order. Other men might put up with being led around by their noses, but he sure as the dickens wouldn’t do it. After Trudy’s betrayal, it would be a cold day in July before he gave his heart to another female.
“Who’s gonna inherit the McKay fortune if you die? You ever think about that?”
Why think about it? He figured he had a good fifty years to settle the matter before his number was up. He wasn’t a gunslinger. He didn’t pick fights and tempt death to his doorstep. He ran a ranch, lived a temperate lifestyle, and visited town only when supplies ran low. He enjoyed hunting, catching a trout or two, and reading seed catalogues. Hardly the kind of lifestyle that threatened an early grave. He hadn’t even had a cold since the winter of ’62.
Longevity ran in the McKay family. Grandpa McKay lived to be way up in his nineties; Great-grandpa, ninety-six. If Pa hadn’t tangled with that bull last year, who knew? He might have lived to be a hundred. Maybe by the time Walker was forty, he’d give serious thought to death. Right now he had his hands full running the ranch. He was responsible—the ranch made a sizable profit each year, and he made sure that his thirty-five ranch hands were the first to help out when trouble hit the community. He went to church, took a bath regularly, combed his hair, and put on his clothes every morning all without a woman’s help.
“Let me tell you, son. You don’t put off what needs be done today. A man never knows how long he’s got on this old earth.”
A man S.H.’s age would naturally be worried about such things. “Can’t we talk about this another time?”
“You ought to ask Willa Mae Lewis to the grange social Saturday night.” S.H. paused, knocking the dust off his trousers. “Now, that woman is as pretty as a prize heifer and bakes a mean rhubarb pie. Got the hips to birth a cow.”
“I have all the livestock I need, S.H.”
“Rolene Berry?”
“Too immature.”
“Ruthie Gaines. Now there’s a fine-looking woman.”
“Vain. She’d rather stay home and stare at herself in a mirror than attend a social.”
“Heidi Watson.”
“Spoiled. Get off my back, S.H. I don’t want a wife.”
A drover whistled loudly, ending the conversation. Walker stood and wiped sweat off his forehead. The whistle shrilled again and Walker turned, shading his eyes against the sun. A large bull, crazed with the need to escape the rope, twisted and bucked. Then, head bent and bellowing, the animal broke the cowboy’s grip.
“Watch out!” S.H. bolted for the fence as the bull charged. Walker turned too quickly and lost his balance.
Staggering, he retained his footing, but not before images of an earlier scene raced through his mind. Frenzied cries, pounding hooves, and the spurt of bright red blood as the animal’s horns sank into Pa’s flesh.
“Walker!” S.H. shouted over the milling herd.
Other warnings sounded. “He’s headed your way!”
“Give him room!”
Before he could respond, the bull struck. Walker let out a muffled yell. The impact propelled him backward and spun him around. Reeling, he struggled to stay afoot and catch his breath.
The animal whirled and then paused for an instant to snort and wag his head before charging again, eyes red with rage as he thundered in for a second strike.
Dropping to the ground, Walker curled into a tight ball, arms shielding his head. He gasped for breath, feeling a trickle of blood coursing down his chin.
This can’t be happening! Not to me.
Three ranch hands charged the bull, shouting, waving their arms in an attempt to divert the animal’s attention.
Horns caught Walker in the side and he felt muscles tear, then blinding pain. Confusion broke out as other wranglers raced to the rescue, trying to divert the bull as it spun and lunged again, catching Walker in the upper thigh and tossing him like a rag doll. S.H. bolted to the fence where his rifle rested, shouting something Walker couldn’t make out.
The bull struck again from a new direction. Walker struggled to stay conscious, trying to ward off the assault. From somewhere past consciousness he heard S.H.’s voice prodding him to produce an heir.
The bull was going to kill him.
I’m twenty-eight years old. I have

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